Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Bupyeong Festival: Sunday October 7

We had a relaxing Sunday morning before heading to the Bupyeong Festival. Bupyeong is the name of the downtown area where we live in Incheon. For the past few days, there has been an on-going festival. We are not certain why, but we are not complaining, as the festival was a lot of fun! There were a lot of street performers, music blaring, and lots interesting street food. The area was also packed with people. We went out for dinner in the area with a group of teachers for Canadian Thanksgiving. We went to chicken place, which we figured was close enough to turkey. Sadly, we could not find any pumpkin pie. The starbucks also didn’t even have pumpkin spice lattes. Oh well… After dinner, Ian and I decided to walk home at the perfect time. Soon after we left the restaurant, the firework show started in Bupyeong. The show was incredible and we were right underneath it! I tried to take photos, but I think the video captures it best. The main street in Bupyeong was blocked off for the festival and again the crowd of people was slightly overwhelming.

Happy Thanksgiving Canada! We missed being home for this holiday!  

Well this little piggy went to the market and didn't come home....

So many people walking around and eating food on the street.

Musical performers singing and dancing.

Walking around the market there is so much to see.

Fireworks at Bupyeong Festival

It was the best show Ian and I had ever seen.

At the festival, this is on the "Yonge Street" of Incheon.

Traditional dancers.

Taking in the musical performance

                                                          The amazing firework show!

                                                              At the street festival. 


  1. This definitely was a different Thanksgiving for all. Missed you too.
    Loved the piggy caption and the video does capture the feel of the festival. Good job!

    1. Thanks! The pig head was very alarming, and we actually ended up seeing two or three that day.

  2. "The starbucks also didn’t even have pumpkin spice lattes." 1st world problems.
    Awesome pics, looks like you guys are having a blast.

    1. Hahaha true...and thanks, we are loving it in Korea!

  3. Love the videos you guys, especially seeing the camera pan the crowd to find Ian waving to you. It really puts us there with you. We missed you at Thanksgiving.
